Gifts of Stock

With your gift of stock to the Berkeley Rotary Endowment you receive tax benefits while supporting outstanding Rotary service projects!

The simplest way to donate publicly traded stocks to the Berkeley Rotary Endowment is to have your broker transfer shares electronically to the Berkeley Rotary Endowment’s account. See the information below.


Brokerage: Charles Schwab
Broker Phone: (602) 355-9003
Account#: 4433-4172
DTC#: 0164
Recipient: Berkeley Rotary Endowment
Tax ID#: 94-2758098
Note: Charitable Gift

Charles Schwab
211 Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

Important: When you make a gift of stock to the Berkeley Rotary Endowment, your name may not be included with the stock transfer between brokerage houses.  Please contact Tina Etcheverry notifying us about your gift so we can thank you!

Questions? Contact Tina Etcheverry for more information.
[email protected] (510) 206-6932


Donate to Berkeley Rotary Endowment
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