Berkeley Rotary Club: Donations

Members and friends of Berkeley Rotary Club may donate to one or more of the following institutions associated with the club:
  • Berkeley Rotary Endowment (BRE): A non-profit endowment organization, that is financially independent of the Berkeley Rotary Club (BRC), with coordinated management structures (e.g., same people filling parallel positions on separate boards). These funds support our club's projects (including grants).
    • How to donate:
      • with a credit card, or PayPal (through a PayPal account):
      • with a check: to "Berkeley Rotary Endowment", and mail to:
        • Berkeley Rotary Endowment, 2342 Shattuck Avenue # 101, Berkeley, CA 94704.
      • with a Gift of Stock
    • Funds: Within the BRE, funds are maintained for various projects. Indicate the desired fund on the memo line of your check. Unmemo'd and memorial checks are applied to the Corpus. Funds include:
      • Corpus: investment-only funds, with earnings supporting the other funds. Currently over $500,000.
      • Rotacare Clinic Richmond
      • Scholarship Fund
      • Chacala (Mexico) project
      • Memorials: funds given in honor of others. 
    • Contacts:
  • The Rotary Foundation (TRF): Rotary International manages The Rotary Foundation, the central clearinghouse for donations for global projects. The Rotary Foundation (TRF) has management points through the Rotary organization, at Rotary districts, and at each Rotary club.


Donate to Berkeley Rotary Endowment
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